Settlement Monitoring and Data Management

Since early in F&R’s history, we have been bringing – and successfully settling – large, systemic cases challenging barriers to people with disabilities. Managing large quantities of data has been crucial to both successful litigation and to the extensive monitoring that often follows settlement. And since Tim is a giant database nerd (and Amy a slightly smaller database nerd) we have been able to efficiently gather and analyze information to ensure settlement compliance.

Tim’s mastery of databases has been essential to monitoring settlements and nowhere more so than in his role as court-appointed Settlement Monitor in the case of Independent Living Center of Southern California v. City of Los Angeles. In that position, Tim is working with operational personnel throughout the Los Angeles Housing Department and plaintiffs’ counsel to ensure that the City produces the required number of accessible housing units and tracks the compliance of new and existing projects with applicable disability rights regulations.

Amy and Jordon have become fans of the online database platform Airtable for tracking and analyzing the large amount of data F&R receives in prison cases. Ask us about our Deaf prisoner litigation template that resulted in this judicial shout out:

Trivette v. Tennessee Dep’t of Correction, No. 3:20-CV-00276, 2024 WL 3366335, at *18 (M.D. Tenn. July 9, 2024).