Take Our Survey: Hoteling While Disabled

Ever frustrated because a hotel website doesn’t provide enough – or any – information to reserve the accessible room you need?  

Tired of having to call and getting the run-around just to find out which room has the right accessibility features?  

How about that time you showed up and they’d given away the accessible room or turned out not to have one after all?  

Please take our survey: tinyurl.com/hotel-survey

We want to hear about your experiences! The Supreme Court is hearing a case about whether a person who investigates hotel websites – sometimes called a “tester” – should be allowed to sue when the website does not include required information about accessible rooms and accommodations. Testers are an extremely important way for the disability community to enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act so it’s important that we win this case. 

Fox & Robertson is working with a bunch of kickass disability rights organizations including Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, The Arc, the National Disability Rights Network, and Paralyzed Veterans of America to write a brief to the Court and would like to include as many stories as possible of the realities of traveling while disabled — specifically how hard it is to make hotel reservations and secure a room with accessibility features because of a lack of information about accessible features on the website.  

You can help us inform the Court by sharing your experiences traveling while disabled. Please fill out the form — tinyurl.com/hotel-survey — with as much information as you can by June 30, 2023.


Alt text: Hand opens a hotel room door, text reads “We need your hotel experiences reserving accessible hotel rooms” with logos from DREDF, PVA, NDRN, The Arc and Fox & Robertson.

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